We know HTC is going to be updating a good chunk of their flagship devices to the newly unveiled Android 6.0 Marshmallow, but the company’s own Jason Mackenzie has taken to Twitter to clarify exactly which devices will be making the cut.

The good news is that the company plans on the update to hit by the end of 2015 with the HTC One M8 and M9 due at the beginning of Q4.Pretty much all of HTC’s advertised flagships and a few others have made the list, as you can see above. The M8 and M9 will very likely be the first to see the update, not accounting for any carrier interference.

But hey, if you’re rocking an unlocked version or developer version, you can expect the 6.0 update in the next few months. Considering we’ve heard very little from any other manufacturer about their update plans, this is a quick and positive move for HTC.

source:Jason Mackenzie (Twitter)


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