Swype, the keyboard that kicked off gesture-based typing on a touch keyboard, will be getting some new tricks to make typing on your smartphone a little more enjoyable.

The keyboard from Nuance is getting 19 Star Trek keyboard themes featuring many characters that will be available as in-app purchases. The themes span the original Star Trek series and The Next Generation, so there should be something for just about any fan.

Another notable addition to Swype is the emoji keyboard that’s baked into the latest update. Swype currently predicts emojis in its prediction bar, but the new keyboard gives you quick access to hundreds of emojis with tons of animations making it just a little easier to find that perfect emoji for your conversations.

If Star Trek and emojis aren’t your thing, Swype is also including some new prediction tools that will allow the keyboard to predict multiple words and phrases, as wellas numbers, which should speed up your typing.



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