#Internet#Software–Facebook Plans to Beam Internet to the World with Lasers –During a Q&A on a wide range of subjects held at Mark Zuckerberg’s own Facebook page on Tuesday, he predicted what technologies would come in the future.

Although he had acute prediction abilities when he decided that Facebook should buy Oculus Rift, someof his other forecasts discussed on his page seem more likely your average run-of-the-mill SF exercise of imagination.

Those include Telepathy Technology: when people will have the ability to talk to each other with their minds, Laser Beams that will be used to transmit data from the sky to Earth, and more closely related with its recent acquisition, Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality.

Although the Telepathy Technology seem more like the aforementioned SciFi mumbo jumbo, the rest of its predictions appear to be pretty much anchored in a real near future. To prove his point, Mark Zuckerberg posted a couple of demonstration pictures from its Connectivity Lab.

To prove that people could actually connect to the Internet via giant laser beams high in the sky (presumably satellites), the pictures show internet.org’s initiative of testing a method of delivering Internet via Lasers.

According to these schematics and available pictures, he hopes that one day, drones/planes and satellites will be able to send Internet via laser links anywhere in the world.

He expects that, if this plan succeeds, the project will dramatically increase the speed of sending data over long distances.

For more details, you can read Facebook’s outline methodology for such a plan to actually work.


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