HTC commits to monthly security updates for unlocked One A9, but only in the US

Chris Chavez - 7 hours ago

It may not be their 2015 flagship, but HTC is clearly giving the One A9 extra special treatment. Aside from being the first non-Nexus smartphone to launch with Android 6.0 Marshmallow, HTC promised that the One A9 would receive major firmware updates no more than 15 days after Google's very own Nexus devices. That's not just fast -- that'shella fast.

This of course only applied to the unlocked model and not carrier variants which are subject to lengthy technical approval processes. With growing concern surrounding Android security, HTC was strangely silent when OEMs like Samsung and LG promised monthly security updates. Well, we take that back. HTC US President Jason Mackenzie said this would be "unrealistic," but maybe he was a little hasty in his words.

Today HTC is now promising unlocked models of the One A9 too will receive monthly security updates but there's some fine print. This guarantee only extends to unlocked US models -- not One A9s sold overseas. We know, you can't have it all. But this is decision that is sure to rub users in other countries the wrong way. HTC says November's security update -- along with camera and battery life improvements -- will start rolling out today, so if you have a One A9 (in the US), be on the lookout.

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