#Snapchat#Smartphone–Facebook wants to give your photo uploads a Snapchat-like flair– Facebook may be not as in tune with the teen crowd as Snapchat, but that isn’t stopping it from trying to fit in.

TechCrunch has discovered that Facebook is testing an iOS photo uploader that lets you overlay Snapchat-like filters, stickers and text on pictures as you post them.

While it’s not exactly a subtle attempt at riding the coattails of a fast-rising rival, it does show that the social network has ditched writing me-too apps in favor of adding features you’re more likely to use.

Whether or not you see this uploader any time soon is another matter.

Facebook regularly experiments with features, and it wouldn’t be surprising if the revamped software sees a lot of tweaks (assuming it makes the cut) before you get to try it yourself.


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